Friday, May 10, 2013


as THIS OCCURRED IN A VERY POSSIBLE HIGHLY LIKELY FUTURE. being THAT THE FUTURE IS ALWAYS 1 SECOND AHEAD. With great pleasure of black couples in love the probability was very high for a young black man to be with a wombman of his own kind to not be laced with children. And as the same for her. As they were able to escape and make exodus back to the land of their mother. The terrible event they were able to escape was called phase four  it was a terrible product of the banksters to transform humans into targets for the military. How so well they mutated them into biohazard terrorists the first offense was when they relocated alot of ethnic melanated beings to a new government housing facility that was built on a toxic waste dump. Being that they were moved for free into these newer larger homes estimated at a quarter mil. they did not pass up the opportunity homeland security and police presence provided the so called opportunity for victims to feel like they were being protected. Especially with it being they were tearing down alot of public housing on a nation wide scale due to the banksters calling it prime real estate and them working with the city to redevelop the landscape.
However as time went by the hundreds and thousands of residence many were bodily able just fell into the trap and the bait was free. This was a political plan that was placed by obama administrators and the members of his cabinet. 
If we can envision acres of land upon acres doubled by miles to provide free public housing for those able bodied humans not willing to work. For people who insisted on continuously living as victims of past happenings most were implanted with the ideas with the influence of the music produced by their favorite artists who dwell in higher accommodations. What a paradox of an oxymoron. These recording artists perpetuate self hate self loathing a do nothing attitude also promoting living in sub standard living conditions. Not to say where all melanated beings live is sub standard only those that believe the lie of the hood.
But being that they these wealthy music celebs live in gated communities with high ranking political,military figures whom would have no parts of that nonsense it is only fitting that the government would use these coons to piedpiper the undesirables into a wasteland where as sooner than soon within years they would mutate into biohazard and deemed as weapons of mass destruction.
This is how it began by offering free housing,medicine and food also free furnishings of these homes with 99.66 percent of materials from other countries whose quality standards are very very different from ours .

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